Turkey 3,00 8,50 
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Substitute Feathers/ Ibis, Toucan, Red Crow, Condor

2,50 4,00 


Ibis is material for classic salmon flies. Ibis is hard to get and expensive material, so we have econimical subtitute available. Veniard’s Ibis substitute is made from turkey.

Package contains 10 feathers.

Condor (substitute) can be used for herl bodies, nymph tails and backs, and classic wet & dry flies.
Barb length approximately 3-5 cm. Feather piece length approximately 10 cm. One piece per package.

Red Crow and Toucan are used in many Classic Flies; originals are extremely expensive, so substitutes are offered for experimentation.

Package with hundreds feathers.

Additional information

Substitute Condor


Substitute Ibis


Substitute Red Crow


Substitute Toucan